YouTube Copyright Claims
If you have received a notice from YouTube that your video contains content that is owned or licensed by The Orchard, a music distribution company, please read the outline below which will address any questions you may have. Please know that The Orchard is...
What The #&@$ Do You Do, Ben?!?
Ben Wexler Head of Claims Administration, Legal Department Joined The Orchard on March 19, 2007 As a leader on The Orchard's legal team, what the #&@$ do you do Ben?!?! I handle all claims made against The Orchard’s distributed labels, acquired labe...
Performance Rights Disputes: What Are They and What Causes Them?
What is a Disputed Claim? For as long as recorded music has been around, there have been those who have claimed wrongful ownership, either by mistake or being unaware of the rights they control. The good news is, in today's music landscape there are checks...