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Tag Archives: Interview


Get To Know Frank Turner 

Get to know English punk/folk singer-songwriter Frank Turner through a series of questions and reflective stories. Frank covers his hometown, favorite movies, pet peeves, first job, the first song he ever wrote, and more.  Watch more Get To Know intervi...


A Conversation With The Orchard’s Billboard Women In Music Honorees

Every year, the Billboard Women In Music list recognizes the women executives shaping the music industry. We're happy to congratulate three of our very own Orchardites for being honored on the 2023 list: Colleen Theis (President/COO), Mary Ashley Johnson (...


Ede Discusses Themes of Mental Health In Debut Album ‘Lucero’

Spanish actress, singer, and songwriter Ede has released her debut album, Lucero. On her new album, Ede speaks on mental health, burnout, and sentimental issues, while also touching upon topics of spirituality, courage, and self-love. Ede uses music as ...


What The #&@$ Do You Do, Inés?!

With offices and employees spread across the globe, sometimes it takes time to get to know everyone. In our series ‘What The #&@$ Do You Do?!’ (WTFDYD), The Orchard highlights Orchardites from all over the world to learn more about their role at The Or...


Ten Minutes With Mark Lettieri

A guitarist, four-time GRAMMY winner, band member, family man, songwriter and soloist, Mark Lettieri is in it for the magic of creation. As a member of the jazz/world ensemble Snarky Puppy, as well as the Fearless Flyers, Lettieri gets to collaborate with ...


指揮者 佐渡裕 × ピアニスト 反田恭平: 二人が予測するクラシック音楽とデジタルメディアの未来...

クラシック音楽業界においても、昨年来のコロナ禍において配信メディアやデジタル音声配信の需要が急激に加速している。今後のさらなるデジタルメディアの進化とクラシック音楽が描き出す新たな世界観や未来像について、世界的な指揮者の佐渡裕氏と、今、各方面から熱い視線を浴びているピアニストの反田恭平氏に語ってもらった。 Interviewed by 朝岡久美子 ――お二人は業界でもメカ好き、デバイス好きで知られていますが、デジタル技術とクラシック音楽について、どのように考えていますか? 佐渡:僕...