Built By Girls: Championing S.T.E.M Leaders Of Tomorrow
According to the Economics & Statistics Administration (ESA), 47% of jobs in the United States are held by women, but only 24% hold careers in STEM. Despite this gender disparity, S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) has also proven ...

Are You Using Instagram Stories To Its Full Potential?
With Instagram’s introduction of Polling for Instagram Stories, you might be asking yourself if you’re using the feature to its full potential. You're not alone. It seems every week there is a new update to the popular social media app. You could be surpris...

6 Tips to Rapidly Grow Your Instagram Following
This article, written by the founder of Power Publicity, Lauren Gill, originally appeared on Sonicbids. We’re excited to be working with them to exchange industry tips and trends for your business. With 500 million active users, Instagram is a great visu...