How Bluey Became A Worldwide Children’s Music Act; An Interview With Demon Music Group
An animated Blue Heeler puppy named Bluey has taken over children’s hearts and stereos worldwide. When it premiered on Australian television in 2018, Bluey quickly became one of the most popular children’s shows in the country. Then in 2020, when streaming...
The Orchard and Sony Music Push The Boundaries of Music and Machine Learning with a Multi-City Ha...
Music ML 2020 marks the second annual hackathon held by Amazon Web Services (AWS), The Orchard, and Sony Music. The Orchard office hosted the New York competition and Sony Music simultaneously hosted in London over the course of three days. The hackathon’s...
Sharing Music On Socials Has Never Been So Easy
There’s one big question that drives the music industry forward: “Where do consumers find new music?” A large (and most accessible) response is: social media. Following the demand, streaming services want to make it as easy as possible to connect to...
The Orchard Year-End Highlights
It’s without a doubt that 2018 was a big year for The Orchard, and every once in a while we get to toot our own horn. As the year comes to a close, let’s look at 2018’s end of year highlights from some of our digital retailers. (more…)
Alexa Spreads The Word With New Release Notifications
There's no doubt, voice activated smart speakers have become a major influence within the music consumption ecosystem. According to a recent study by AudienceNet, these smart speakers are the driving force behind many listener habits including overall servi...
Ch-Ch-Changes in the Physical Music Retail Landscape
You've heard it before: the only constant in life is change. Adapt and survive. Darwinian selection has always been an active force in the music business since the beginning. And those of us who live in NYC and work at The Orchard, see it every day. "The Fo...