On Friday, October 11th, The Orchard recognized The International Day of the Girl by celebrating our female colleagues, peers and planning an in-office engagement for NY-based girls in the coming weeks.
In 2011, The United Nations designated October 11 as The International Day of the Girl to “help galvanize worldwide enthusiasm for goals to better girls’ lives, providing an opportunity for them to show leadership and reach their full potential.” As a leader in music distribution, we are privileged to offer a safe space for girls and women to showcase their talents, leadership skills, and work to create equal opportunity within the music industry.
We also remember when we were once girls, with big ideas of who we would one day become, our dream jobs and the like. In spirit of International Day of the Girl, we asked our female colleagues what music career advice they’d give their younger selves.
Check out their answers below and a few throwback photos:

“3 Rules: work your hardest, lead with love and embrace your uniqueness. You’ll never have any regrets and can accomplish your wildest dreams.” – Allison, Artist & Label Services

“Don’t just love music by going to concerts and buying records, but get involved with the local music
scene in any way possible!” – Allison, College & Lifestyle Marketing

“Always show up, even when you don’t want to.” – Alex, Account Management

“Trust your vision and always follow your instincts, but never be afraid to ask for help.” – Airene, Design Team

“Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be, and embrace who you are. Failure is part of the process, keep going!” – Jessica, The Orchard Nashville

“Everyone at all levels makes mistakes. It is your ability to rebound, learn, and move forward with confidence after a mistake that is critical to growing.” – Jaclyn, Global Label Management and Integrations

“Be honest, not to be wannabe.” – Ilenia, Artist Services

“Work hard and don’t let it go unnoticed!” – Holly, Label Management

“Your opinion is valuable.” – Hannah, Artist Marketing

“Follow your passions, a job that aligns with your interests but still challenges you will make you excited about your career.” – Devki, Strategy & Finance

“Highlight your unique perspective and
skills, listen to your instincts and give it all you’ve got!” – Colleen, Chief Operating Officer

“Be brave.” – Anne Marie, Artist & Label Services

“Always follow your passions and you will create a rewarding life and career path.” – Susanne, Account Management

“Let neither stereotypes nor other people decide what music you should listen to.. girl.. if u feel that tune, turn the volume up and sing it out loud!” – Stephanie, Interactive Design

“Get as involved as you can as early as you can and maintain relationships!” – Stephanie, Label Management

“Don’t be afraid to find what you are good at and figure out how to do more of it. Make yourself indispensable.” – Samantha, Analytics Services

“Don’t be afraid to be bold and adventurous. Every experience is valuable in some way – put yourself out there.” – Maggie, General Management

“Never, ever, ever apologize for asking questions! This industry is ever-changing and there is no shame in not knowing the answers right away. Curiosity is so important and shows just how passionate you are about what you do.” – Veronica, Rights Management

“Never give up, work hard, respect all the people you work with and always be kind.” – Sandivel, A&R and Artist Services

“Don’t stop trying, even if you fall. Keep working and you’ll get there!” – Olivia, Label Management Mexico

“Don’t let other peoples’ journey through their music
career make you feel insecure about your own. Everyone experiences different paths and you just have to focus on yours.” – Miranda, Rights Management

“If you’re passionate about something, follow through and never let others opinions get you down. Nobody has the right to tell you that the way you feel about something is wrong. Keep your head up and forge through!” – Michelle, Sales & Marketing

“Don’t be afraid to ask questions and shadow people.” – Linda, International Label Management

“Relationships, relationships, relationships.” – Katie, Label Management

“Take in as much as you can from all departments and learn. This industry is always changing and growing so knowledge is power.” – Darci, Label Management

“Try yourself out to know what’s your objective, otherwise you’ll never know what you like and want for your career. Errors count!” – Anna, Label Relations Spain & Portugal

“Recognize that failure is a part of learning and growing.” – Amy, Account Management

“Move to NYC in your 20s, because it’s easier to develop relationships at that age.” – Michelle, Business & Legal Affairs

“Be genuine, stay indie and everything’s gonna work out fine.” – Lauren, Nashville Label Management

“Be open, honest and patient.” – Alyse, Label Management

“Go after the life you want, even if it’s not what others expect of you or want for you.” – Albina, Rights Management